During the Tang Dynasty (618–907 AD), the ruling elite's profound appreciation for the societal impact of painting manifested in active patronage, the recruitment of skilled painters, and the accumulation of a renowned art collection. As the Tang Dynasty progressed through the Kaiyuan and Tianbao eras (713–742 AD), it reached unprecedented heights of political stability, economic prosperity, and societal zenith. Amidst the nobility, a culture of hedonism flourished, leading to a diminished political role for paintings created to commend meritorious officials, skilled generals, and warhorses.

In this flourishing Tang era, art took on a distinct aura, portraying not only exaggerated external elements and human activities but also delving into inner thoughts, contemplation, and philosophy. Tang artistic expressions embodied the tangible realities of human life – anticipation, insight, and persistence. Infused with robust enthusiasm and imagination, these artworks radiated youthful vitality, persisting even in moments of indulgence, decadence, melancholy, and sadness.

A prime example is Zhang Xuan's painting, "Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing." Though the original has been lost, a Song Dynasty imitation, a silk scroll with colors now preserved in the Liaoning Provincial Museum, depicts the third sister of Yang Yuhuan in 752, elegantly dressed for a spring outing, along with her entourage.

"Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing" emphasizes the inner characterization of the figures through vigorous yet delicate lines and vibrant colors. Unhurried motions of people and horses align with the spring outing theme, while the artist refrains from detailing the background, using wet brushstrokes to highlight figures against sparse grass colors, creating a fresh and open atmosphere. Delicate lines exhibit graceful strength with a touch of charm. Elegant and splendid colors, adorned with ornamental elements, display a lively and brisk style, exuding the grand and confident atmosphere of the prosperous Tang era.

Lady Guoguo, the third sister of Yang Yuhuan or Yang Guifei, the concubine of Emperor Xuanzong in the Tang Dynasty, is the focal point of the painting. The artwork narrates the prominent Yang Yuhuan's sister's spring outing, escorted by maids and guards, elegantly riding horses in a procession of eight riders and nine people in total, resembling a colorful flower cluster. The background, void of ink marks for green grass, fresh flowers, or spring ripples, still encapsulates the delightful breath of a sunny spring day.

Now, journey into the artistic revival of this era with Su Embroidery Studio's collectible silk embroidery based on Zhang Xuan's masterpiece. This exquisite creation faithfully reproduces the grandeur of "Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing" using plain stitch, free-insert, and irregular coating stitches. Splitting threads extremely fine, the silk embroidery features tens of colors such as vermeil, carmine, light red, dark bluish-green, and white to present festival costumes. The lines in the hand embroidery are vigorous and smooth, and the colors seamlessly integrate. The facial color of the embroidery portraits is natural and harmonious, capturing the elegance, confidence, and optimism of the glorious Tang Dynasty.

Embark on a visual and tactile journey through time, celebrating the cultural heritage of the Tang Dynasty with Su Embroidery Studio's artistry.


Chinese silk embroidery lady guoguo's spring outing

Silk Embroidery Painting by Su Embroidery Studio, Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing, Top Quality

close up of Chinese silk embroidery lady guoguo's spring outing

Closeup 1 of Silk Embroidery Painting Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing, Top Quality

closeup of Chinese silk embroidery lady guoguo's spring outing

Closeup 2 of Silk Embroidery Painting Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing, Top Quality

closeup of Chinese silk embroidery lady guoguo's spring outing

Closeup 3 of Silk Embroidery Painting Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing, Top Quality

closeup of Chinese silk embroidery lady guoguo's spring outing

Closeup 4 of Silk Embroidery Painting Lady Guoguo's Spring Outing, Top Quality



By Su Embroidery Studio (SES), Suzhou China

SES is dedicated to Chinese Silk Embroidery Art and High-End Custom Embroidery 

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